Cupcakes Wiki
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Welcome to the Cupcakes Wiki! This is a website where you can learn more about cupcakes and learn cupcake recipes! Each flavor has a page. If you would like a flavor page created, please message Austinandallycupcake38795  or an admin.

Top 5 Seasonal Cupcakes

Strawberry Orange Banana Smoothie Cupcakes

It is officially spring!Say bye to Winter and hello to new and unique Spring cupcakes!Here is a list of some recipes you should try!

Top Five Spring Cupcake Recipes

Rose cupcake
Ah,Red Velvet,a popular favorite for anyone all ages!This cupcake is a southern based recipe,in which the recipe allows the cupcake to turn red during the baking process,where the name "Red Velvet" came from.This Treat satisfies the taste buds and is a perfect treat for any occasion!

Check out more unique cupcake flavors here!



Cupcake Festival at Mt. Trashmore raises money for CHKD - AOL - - 2024/10/13 19:31

Cupcake Festival at Mt. Trashmore raises money for CHKD  AOL...

Sam’s Club Is Selling a Monstrous 5-Pound Cupcake, and Fans Say They 'Need This' - Parade Magazine - - 2024/10/13 15:30

Sam’s Club Is Selling a Monstrous 5-Pound Cupcake, and Fans Say They 'Need This'  Parade Magazine...

Five years later: Timeline depicts 'ten days of heartache' during search for Kamille 'Cupcake' McKinney - WVTM13 Birmingham - - 2024/10/12 04:36

Five years later: Timeline depicts 'ten days of heartache' during search for Kamille 'Cupcake' McKinney  WVTM13 Birmingham...

Seniors appreciate cupcakes and creativity - hometownweekly - - 2024/10/11 18:33

Seniors appreciate cupcakes and creativity  hometownweekly...

Restaurant Roundup: Harry Potter ‘sorting’ cupcakes, Chicken Big Mac - SiouxFalls.Business - - 2024/10/10 23:52

Restaurant Roundup: Harry Potter ‘sorting’ cupcakes, Chicken Big Mac  SiouxFalls.Business...
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AhhhaaaARRR AhhhaaaARRR 10 February 2022

Vanilla guy

names mr cupcake vanilla.

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CuteKawaiiSunset CuteKawaiiSunset 31 December 2020

Favorite Cupcakes

My favorite cupcakes that I would love in a special occasion 

Red Velvet







Cookies and Cream

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